Thursday, October 6, 2011


I have been watching the '11 iMovie tutorials on I have learned a great deal so far. I have read other cohorts' blog's, and I concur. We should have watched these training videos the first month! Maybe if enough of us say this in our blog, FSU will incorporate that into the first month and in the fourth month, students can learn Gargeband or a different Mac program.

I've finished the first third of the training. Most of this training I learned on my own or with another cohort's help during my first few months of classes.

The tool I liked the most during the first months was the "switch/swap project & events." I really liked the ability to edit my clips where I wanted. I personally like to edit at the top and have my clips at the bottom.

Another tool I liked was the "muting and unmuting audio levels." This was a great discovery because I didn't always want to hear the clips as I edited them. You can also see some of the other great tools in this picture. 

I am excited to finish the tutorials and know that I can accomplish making an iMovie without losing my hair or yelling at the computer screen! See you in the next post!

1 comment:

  1. Post is very much informative and content is so much convincing that I look for more in the future.
    Training for DevOps is very helpful in the current market trend.
